Ceramics Extravaganza

By AEGIS Communications (other events)

2 Dates Through Nov 16, 2011
An all-day seminar and workshop on success and predictability with ceramics in the 21st century dental practice including porcelain veneers, porcelain inlays and onlays, and all types of ceramic crowns.

Course Overview / summary:
Ceramic restorations have a critical role in developing patient satisfaction not only through natural esthetics but masticatory function. Ceramics when placed with the right level of knowledge and skill provide much technical satisfaction to the clinician and will help build the dental practice through patient referrals.

Dr. Small has refined and developed his techniques over 35 years experience in his own practice with much success for his patients and his practice alike. As a leading ‘hands-on’ everyday general dentist Dr. Small has built a reputation as a world-class teacher and mentor to study clubs, local and state association meetings and routinely presents hands-on courses at the major regional conferences such as the Hinman Meeting, California Dental Association, the Chicago Dental Society Mid-Winter meeting and many others.

In this full-day course, in the training facilities of his own office, Dr. Small shares his knowledge and insights of the role of ceramics in success. With the use of slides, show-and-tell demonstrations, and practical exercises, all participants will learn the key steps to success in every stage from formulating the treatment plan, discussion of alternative treatments, gaining case acceptance, the preparation, the impressions, communicating with the laboratory, fabricating provisionals, and seating the final restoration. Operating microscopes will be available along with electric handpieces for all participants. The course is restricted to 12 participants to ensure plentiful one-on-one interaction and group discussion with this highly respected and successful colleague.

Educational Objectives:
On completion of this course, the participant will be able to:
• Understand the indications and contra-indications for all types of ceramic restorations
• Understand when porcelain fused to metal or cast gold should be considered
• Identify appropriate cases, and create appropriate and detailed treatment plans for ceramic restorations
• Understand the key elements for success in every step in the sequence from treatment planning, through designing and cutting the preparation, impression-taking, provisionalization, to the seating of the final ceramic restoration
• Identify pitfalls of fabricating and placing ceramic restorations and appreciate how to avoid them in the first place

Seminar registration is only available to registered dentists, practicing in the contiguous United States.